Business Decorating Contest
We invite area businesses to decorate their storefronts and join the western rodeo spirit!
2024 Theme: Rodeo through the Decades
Rules & Participation: This contest is open to all Yuba-Sutter businesses. Displays must incorporate the 2024 theme and include window, outdoor, or indoor displays. Add the Stampede Poster to your storefront as part of the entry. Must complete entry form by deadline, noted below. Winners will be announced at the Rodeo Kick-Off Party, held at Geweke Fork on Thursday, September 12th, at 5:30 pm. Participants and winners will be featured on social media.
Important Deadlines:
8/26 - 9/15 - Decorations live
8/30 - Entry Form Due
9/4 & 9/5 - Judging
9/12 - Winner announced at the Business After Hours Event at Geweke Ford Kia
For a full list of entry rules, judging criteria and more information, click on the "Flyer" below and follow the link to the Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce Decorating Contest website!